The So What, So That Test (SWST) from our Growth Mapper framework is an exercise that helps you define your business value to customers and potential Special leads clients by identifying what problem(s) they face, how it affects them negatively/positively (So What), why they should care about this issue whatsoever (So That). Let’s take a look at the So What, So That Test (SWST) from our Growth Mapper framework in more detail. channable-campaign-june-2022 Why Use Special leads the SWST Test? The SWST test is a great tool to help you determine the best way to communicate your business proposition so that your audience immediately understands its value.
This means helping them understand how it will solve their Special leads problems and give them what they want, which in turn means getting more of what you want – customers! SWST-test-is-a-great-tool-to-help-you-determine-the-best-way You’ve turned over every rock and scratched all surfaces to understand your business. You can talk about it with confidence, expertise, and Special leads authority. Now, you may be an expert, but your customers aren’t. You can get swept up in the finer details when you talk like one- using complex jargon that’s lost on them and Special leads makes you seem removed from their perspective.
The SWST Test The graphic below shows a flow chart starting Special leads on the left side. For each section, there are three titles: “My business” (above), then “So that my customers can” and finally “Resulting in.” The final step is called “Benefit statements (your value proposition)”. The goal of this passage is to help you communicate the value your business provides Special leads in a way that’s easy for customers to understand. To do so, take some simple facts about what your product or service does and turn them into benefit-led statements. In this example, we’re using an accountancy practice as a basis for demonstrating how it works.